# Elder Scrolls Online Commadline Addon Manager Elder Scrolls Online addon manager and a Tamriel Trade Centre price table updater. [MIT License](LICENSE) It is recommended that you back up your ESO live profile before using `banana` in case you want to revert back. On Windows, press `Windows Key + e` to open a file explorer and enter the following path in the address bar: ``` %HOME%\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\ ``` Make a copy of the `live` folder and rename it to something meaningful like `old` or `backup`. # Dependencies ``` python3-pip ``` # Linux Installation # Windows Installation # Usage # Linux Development Use docker to test the python components. For docker installation run the following commands on [Ubuntu 20.04](https://ubuntu.com/download/): ```bash sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y \ docker-compose \ docker.io \ && apt-get clean sudo usermod -aG docker $USER ``` Build and run the dev environment by entering the following commands: ```bash cd ./banana/ docker-compose build docker-compose run banana ```